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Re: [Gnoppix-user] lost in beginner land

From: Peter Baumgartner
Subject: Re: [Gnoppix-user] lost in beginner land
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 21:27:47 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.5.1

Am Samstag, 24. Januar 2004 20:33 schrieb John Smothers:
> I reordered the bootup order to 1)floppy, 2)cd rom, 3)
> hdd.  The order before changing it, was to look at the
> hdd first.  So, I figured all would go well now after
> the modification.
> Unfortunately, I still get windows xp booting up.  And
> that's unfortunate in so many ways :).
> --- Mica Mijatovic <address@hidden> wrote:
> > As to burning a bootable CD, the rules may wary.
> > Perhaps someone other
> > will know to tell you what in a Gnoppix case.
> > Anyway, copying just an
> > iso file to CD will not work, as I know. :-)
> Well, I believe this is where I am at now.  How do I
> get a cd with an iso file on it to be a bootable CD?
> I will continue to look at the FAQ and docs so I don't
> waste alot of your time.  But I could use all the help
> and shortcuts possible.

Hm, what kind of software do You use? In Nero, for example, there is a 
funktion "burn image" or so. And that is something completely different than 
simply COPYING the image on a FILESYSTEM on the disk, as Mica wrote above! It 
means just duplicating (pit after pit) the ISO, which is a correct image of a 
Disk ( got the difference?). I hope this will help.


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