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[Gnu-arch-users] What is arch? (Alternative answer)

From: Pierce T . Wetter III
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] What is arch? (Alternative answer)
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 10:09:06 -0700

Since I don't really like how the current documentation describes things, I guess its up to me to rewrite it. Comments appreciated, if not required, since I'm writing this as I go through the tutorial for the 3rd time trying to understand it.

Ultimately I want this to be a "Gentle introduction to arch for CVS users" document.

 What is Arch?

arch is a "source history management system" that many people use to implement "revision control" though it can do more then just revision control. Its an outgrowth of some scripts Tom Lord wrote to automate some of what he considered "best practices" of tracking changes to a set of source code.

Whether you are one developer or many, as you change your source code, you are creating a history of changes to that source. This is of course, not news, most developers have some experience with using some sort of "revision control" system to manage that history. Most of these systems rely on a central repository, and assume a sort of tree structure. That is, there is a concept of a "central trunk", with occasional "branches" off that trunk when a developer has to "break stuff" in order to get some new feature working. Depending on the revision system, branching can be easy or hard, but the challenge it all of them turns out to be merging changes between the trunk and the branch.

This is less true in arch, because arch assumes a model much closer to a spiderweb then a tree. Since this is actually much closer to how developers actually work, once they get used to it, most developers prefer it, and arch seems more natural. Because of its different approach, arch ends up being more capable at dealing with many of the common problems people run into with traditional revision control. Specifically, arch is really, really good at merging changes

 What is tla?

arch is actually a protocol for how a source history management system would work. tla is an implementation of that protocol in C. There are some other implementations of arch in other languages.

 arch advantages

- parallel lines of development are easier. This is the very common development occurrence where you need a bug fix in the upcoming release and you also need it in the development trunk. This is as opposed to "branching" where moving
   changes between branches can be more complicated.

 - source repository is in open formats like tar, gzip.

- supports a number of development styles: no assumptions about work flow
   or repository is built in to tla.

 - read-only source repository can be just a web server.

 - built in mirroring and replication

 - very network efficient,

- most operations can be done offline, only updates from _others_ would need
   any sort of connection, but even sneakernet works there.

- spiderweb model means that developers can work together on tasks more easily.

 arch disadvantages

 - read/write access requires setting up a webdav server like apache

- no tla package easily available for Windows since tla leverages off of
   various unix command line tools. Not sure about other implementations

- basic tla commands are simple, primitive, most people end up building scripts to automate their local development style, but rarely document and share them.

 Differences from CVS:

arch has a very different model then CVS, but it supports all the features of CVS in a different way. Coming from CVS will be quite a shock for most users
  because of this. Here are some highlights:

- no central repository. CVS has a definite concept that there is one single repository where everything lives. In arch, that is a site decision, you can set it up that way if you so choose. In practice, most arch users end up having a "blessed" repository, but that is different then having a central

  - merge history, not "commit"

branching and tags are so much a part of arch that its probably fair to say that in arch, everything is a branch. That might sound scary to a typical CVS user, unless you realize that the minute you check out a revision from CVS, then start editing it, you've created a branch, CVS just doesn't know about
    it. In arch, the "commit" is really a process of merging your source
history with that of your upstream archive, so branching is seamless and


 What is an archive:

An archive is the history of changes to a project or set of projects. Since that history is always growing, an archive has the concept of an ancestor archive which holds the "earlier" history. Arch can automatically extract revisions from ancestor archives, so its common to make a new archive every so often to shrink the amount of data needed for a build of the latest source. It's also common to have multiple archives for multiple projects, but not necessary.

 That's it for now.


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