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GNU/Hurd Oprating system roadmap inquery.

From: Jawher bel mabrouk
Subject: GNU/Hurd Oprating system roadmap inquery.
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 09:06:44 +0100

Hello hackers everywhere,

    As a free software enthusiast, first lured in by the technical edge offered by the GNU/Linux OS and ecosystem, i was ecstatic to hear about the advancements and the resurfacing of the GNU/Hurd project. Nevertheless, I was a bit saddened to find out that the most 'advanced' distribution is the non-free, or non totally free is such term might be used, Debian-based GNU/Hurd. My question is, has the GNU project entirely given up on a GNU operating system with the Hurd kernel making the the 1990s, era appropriate, move to the Linux kernel permanent ? If not, when are we likely to see a functional, free GNU/Hurd operating system in the spirit of Trisquel or gNewSense, only benefiting from the thrilling Hurd ?

Most Cordially,
Happy Hacking.

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