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Re: [open-cobol-list] X86_64 branch ?

From: Brian Tiffin
Subject: Re: [open-cobol-list] X86_64 branch ?
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 00:01:59 -0500
User-agent: Opera Mail/12.14 (Linux)

On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:39:12 -0500, Ron Norman <address@hidden> wrote:

A small comment on the 'code base'. If you are referring to the compiler
In the recent work I did to add 'report writer' I did find that I had to
read thru the code a fair bit and do some trial and error to understand how
it all fits together.
I think a lot of this code is from Roger While. After investing some time
to understand it all I would have to say that it is very well written.
But you can not just jump into it, you have to work with to see how it all
fits together.
Having done that, I now understand it and I would not make many changes to
the way the compiler code is organized.


I'm responding with Ron's note involved.

I take zero credit for OpenCOBOL or GNU Cobol. I just happen to be the loudest fan-boy that fell into a position to kick the ball down the hill. It rolled well. Then, mistakes were made.

Just as GNU accepted OpenCOBOL as a project, I pulled the plug on pre-releasing the pent up 2.0 source tree. That caused a splintering, more like a shattering, of previously focused OpenCOBOL releases. We still haven't even really stabilized the official GNU release, as I jumped the gun on Simon and packaged a work-in-progress tree of 1.1CE, not a frozen and polished work. Simon has been dealing with the chaos ever since.

Ron has done us a tremendous favour with the Report Writer module but now sits with four major branches and awaits the elevation of the reportwriter branch up to trunk. This is taking far longer than it should have when things kinda exploded back in October with the GNU and 2.0 releases being too close together.

I have faith that we'll get back to a normalized development flow, but for the now, I'll assume most of the responsibility for the splintering effect that has occurred and the confusion that it sowed.

When all is said and done; Simon, Ron, Joe, and Sergey will getting great big virtual toasts.

There are a lot of other contributors, Frank, for instance, being involved with BASED and other issues before I stuck my head in to the fray. Many other contributors, and knowledgeable folk that helped out along the way. (One item I will expand on someday is the History section of the FAQ. Now, it really only mentions a few top level names, and there are many more that deserve kudos and recognition.

On the codebase, as Ron mentioned, it's pretty clean. But it's huge. It looks and feels complex due to the size and feature count. Highly consistent, following best practices, (that have evolved somewhat between 1.0 and 2.0).

(The output of parser.y has overwhelmed all visualization tools I tried it against. Not many people write Bison/Flex at this size) and I'm sure there are even fewer that could have managed to get the shift/reduce issue down to 0.

I'll be adding Doxygen inline comment markup soon (the new bin/cobcrun.c already has some of this in). You may find it easier to grok, once nicely formed API and internal documentation is available.

In the meanwhile, I'm still coloured impressed with how well the no-work-involved Doxygen pass stashed away at worked out. It'll be, 'a thing', someday once effort is put in to actually add the comments and Doxygen markers. Like Ron, I've been waiting for the 2.1 tree to elevate to trunk before digging in to the effort. (It won't feel like effort - way too much fun involved).

More in a bit Patrick. I'd like to actually document some of the answers to this in the FAQ, for posterity.


On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Patrick <address@hidden>wrote:

 I asked Joe's permission to respond to his email to the list as well. I
think his perspectives will benefit all.

Hi Joe

Thanks for answering my post.

So maybe I shouldn't have framed this as mainframe vs desktop. There are
many Unixes. A better way perhaps should have been Desktop vs other

About the standards thing... I have heard others say this too, so adding
non standard stuff to the core would like spark a holy war.

My main concern with GNUcobol is that there are hardly any libraries and
what's worse is that there are very limited mechanisms to even build a
library. How likely is it that someone would be able to generate a new
codebase that is deployed as a TUI and still charge decent money for it? My main focus is not supporting old code so that a company can limp along with it for a few more years, I love Cobol and I want to write new code. As-is,
it is not presentable in my industry and is not financially viable for
commercial work.

If anything that needs to be added, needs to be in the standard first then
the project is going to be severely stunted, that is, "IF", the main
mechanism that code sharing takes place is contributions to the core
language itself.

Library code on the other hand can be used or not used and there is
nothing to war over.

I have all sorts of half-baked ideas and I am throwing most of them in the garbage myself as I learn more but some may have value and I will post them
in separate threads to keep this one tidy though.

I would also like to mention  that I can't even prototype a half-baked
idea with the current codebase, it's overwhelming for me.

There are lots of features in the standard that are not implemented and we have also moved outside the standard before with the level 66 constant and we haven't yet talked about expanding test harnesses or debugging existing

If the codebase was easier to manage, more people could contribute and the project would be more a viable alternative to microfocus. The actual number of lines of code is not that much but it's scary to touch it when it's so
cross architecture.

Finally, if no one is posting to the list, that doesn't mean that no one
is gaining benefit from the project but if more people could contribute, we
might have more posts and more ideas would emerge.


On 24/02/14 12:35 PM, Ron Norman wrote:

Hi Patrick,

 I have done a small bit of work on OpenCOBOL (ISAM file support and
recently REPORT WRITER) but due to my work I have access to half a dozen
different versions of Unix systems so I can verify the code changes work on
at least some different platforms. But I have no access to any mainframe
I have training in compiler construction and worked on a commercial COBOL
compiler in the past.

 COBOL is very standards based so if/when adding feature FOO you need to
make sure that FOO is part of the ANSI/CODASYL standard for COBOL.
If feature FOO is not a missing feature that is documented then I would
think that it should not be added to OpenCOBOL/GNUcobol.

 The very nice feature of COBOL is that it is standards based and as
people move their COBOL applications from system to system they will
continue to work.

 Just my view of things...

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 6:51 AM, Patrick <address@hidden>wrote:

Hi Everyone

Day and night, my time is not my own(awake 4.5 hours last night). I
can't promise to contribute anything to the project but I can say that I
really want to and I have been trying.

I have read/am reading, books on Ncurses, Bison/Flex, Autotools and now
DB. Little by little I am starting to understand how things work but I
may still have as much as a year more to go at this pace.

I thought I would post a proposal and check if some facts I am operating
on are correct.

My facts:

1)Open Cobol goes back to 2001 and tinycobol precedes this.

2)Brian Understands the codebase

3)Sergey is making commits now

4)Joe has a fileio commit waiting for approval

5)There is a person(s) in Japan working on the code now but they are not
putting their name on it

6)> 99% of the code has been written by Keisuke and Roger

Is it fair to say that everyone that has committed code to the project
has access to a mainframe?

Is it fair to say that in the 13+ years of development < 10 people have
contributed code?

I repair circuit boards for a living and service spectrometers. If I am
intimidated with a codebase, it could easily be because I don't have
enough programming experience but it seems to me that this codebase is
very difficult for people to contribute to. It seems to me that there is
a lot of platform correction code and most of us don't have access to
many of the platforms.

If I want to add feature FOO how do I ensure it will work on an
architecture I will never have access to?

What if we created a branch and simplified the codebase? I would be
willing to try this, although I may never get the time to finish.

The main codebase could continue, the mainframe guys could take code as
they see fit and the desktop people could work away. Sure the two could
get out of sequence but at the pace things are moving at right now,
would that really be such a big deal?


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Ron Norman

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