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[gnugo-devel] reading connections

From: cazenave tristan
Subject: [gnugo-devel] reading connections
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2001 18:16:55 +0200


Here is a file I wrote to start implementing connections
by reading in gnugo.
I have NOT tested it, where should I plug it in, in gnugo
in order to test it ?
The functions to be called are :

int recursive_connect (int str1, int str2, int depth);
int recursive_disconnect (int str1, int str2, int depth);

The file is far from being complete (it is 1/10th of 
the corresponding file in Golois), but it can serve
as a starting point.

Maybe it is better to have something simple working now
rather than waiting before sending it.


/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\
 * This is GNU GO, a Go program. Contact address@hidden, or see   *
 * for more information.      *
 *                                                               *
 * Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 by the Free Software Foundation.   *
 *                                                               *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License   *
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation - version 2.     *
 *                                                               *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be       *
 * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied    *
 * PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License in file COPYING  *
 * for more details.                                             *
 *                                                               *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public     *
 * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free    *
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,       *
 * Boston, MA 02111, USA.                                        *
\* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "liberty.h"

/* Size of array where candidate moves are stored. */
#define MAX_MOVES 362

int add_array (int *array, int elt);
int intersection_array (int *array1, int *array2);
int snapback (int str);
int connection_one_move (int str1, int str2);
int prevent_connection_one_move (int *moves, int str1, int str2);
int connected_one_move (int str1, int str2);
int moves_to_connect_in_two_moves (int *moves, int str1, int str2);
int connection_two_moves (int str1, int str2);
int prevent_connection_two_moves (int *moves, int str1, int str2);
int connected_two_moves (int str1, int str2);
int moves_to_connect_in_three_moves (int *moves, int str1, int str2);
int simple_connection_three_moves (int str1, int str2);
int prevent_simple_connection_three_moves (int *moves, int str1, int str2);
int quiescence_connect (int str1,int str2);
int recursive_connect (int str1,int str2,int depth);
int recursive_disconnect (int str1,int str2,int depth);
int capture_one_move (int str);
int prevent_capture_one_move(int *moves, int str1);

int nodes_connect=0,max_nodes_connect=500,max_depth=64;

int add_array (int *array, int elt) {
  int r, add=1;
  for (r = 1; ((r < array[0] + 1) && add); r++)
    if (array[r] == elt)
      add = 0;
  if (add) {
    array[array[0]] = elt;
  return add;

/* verifies that capturing the stone at str is not a snapback */

int snapback (int str) {
  int stones, liberties, libs[MAXLIBS];

  /* if more than one stone captured, not a snapback */
  stones = countstones(str);
  if (stones > 1)
    return 0;

  /* if more than one liberty, not a snapback */
  liberties = findlib(str, MAXLIBS, libs);
  if (liberties > 1)
    return 0;

  /* if only one liberty after capture */
  if (trymove(libs[0], OTHER_COLOR(board[str]), NULL, 0, EMPTY, 0)) {
    liberties = countlib(libs[0]);
    if (liberties > 1)
      return 0;
    return 1;
  return 0;

int connection_one_move(int str1, int str2) {
  int r;
  int liberties, libs[MAXLIBS];
  int adj, adjs[MAXCHAIN];
  /* Common liberties. */
  liberties = findlib(str1, MAXLIBS, libs);
  for (r = 0; r < liberties; r++)
    if (liberty_of_string(libs[r], str2))
      return 1;

  /* Common adjacent string in atari, more than one stone, no snapback. */
  adj = chainlinks2(str1, adjs, 1);
  for (r = 0; r < adj; r++)
    if (adjacent_strings(adjs[r], str2)
        && !snapback(adjs[r]))
      return 1;
  return 0;

int prevent_connection_one_move (int *moves, int str1, int str2) {
  int r, s, res=0;
  int liberties, libs[MAXLIBS];
  int adj, adjs[MAXCHAIN];
  int adjadj, adjadjs[MAXCHAIN];
  /* Common liberties. */
  liberties = findlib(str1, MAXLIBS, libs);
  for (r = 0; ((r < liberties) && !res); r++)
    if (liberty_of_string(libs[r], str2)) {
      add_array(moves, libs[r]);
      return 1;
  /* Save a common adjacent string in atari, more than one stone, no snapback. 
  adj = chainlinks2(str1, adjs, 1);
  for (r = 0; r < adj; r++)
    if (adjacent_strings(adjs[r], str2)
        && !snapback(adjs[r])) {
      liberties = findlib(adjs[r], MAXLIBS, libs);
      add_array(moves, libs[0]);
      adjadj = chainlinks2(adjs[r], adjadjs, 1);
      for (s = 0; s < adjadj; s++) {
        findlib(adjadjs[s], MAXLIBS, libs);
        add_array(moves, libs[0]);
      return 1;
  return 0;

int connected_one_move (int str1, int str2) {
  int r, res=0;
  int moves[MAX_MOVES];
  moves[0] = 0;
  if (prevent_connection_in_one_move(moves, str1, str2)) {
    res = 1;
    for (r = 1; ((r < moves[0] + 1) && res); r++) {
      if (trymove(moves[r], OTHER_COLOR(board[str1]), NULL, 0, EMPTY, 0)) {
        if (!connection_one_move(str1, str2))
          res = 0;
  return res;

int moves_to_connect_in_two_moves (int *moves, int str1, int str2) {
  int r, s, res=0, common_adj_liberty;
  int liberties, libs[MAXLIBS];
  int adj, adjs[MAXCHAIN];
  int adjadj, adjadjs[MAXCHAIN];
  moves[0] = 0;

  /* Common liberties. */
  liberties = findlib(str1, MAXLIBS, libs);
  for (r = 0; r < liberties; r++)
    if (liberty_of_string(libs[r], str2)) {
      add_array(moves, libs[r]);
      return 1;
  /* Capture a common adjacent string or an adjacent liberty of str1 that has a 
common liberty with str2 */
  adj = chainlinks2(str1, adjs, 2);
  for (r = 0; r < adj; r++) {
    liberties = findlib(adjs[r], MAXLIBS, libs);
    for (s = 0; s < liberties; s++)
      if (liberty_of_string(libs[s], str2))
    if (common_adj_liberty || adjacent_strings(adjs[r], str2)) {
      for (s = 0; s < liberties; s++)
        add_array(moves, libs[s]);
      adjadj = chainlinks2(adjs[r], adjadjs, 1);
      for (s = 0; s < adjadj; s++) {
        findlib(adjadjs[s], MAXLIBS, libs);
        add_array(moves, libs[0]);
  /* Liberties of str1 that are second order liberties of str2 and vice versa. 
  liberties = findlib(str1, MAXLIBS, libs);
  for (r = 0; r < liberties; r++) {
    if (board[WEST(libs[r])] == EMPTY) {
      if (liberty_of_string(WEST(libs[r]), str2)) {
        add_array(moves, libs[r]);
        add_array(moves, WEST(libs[r]));
    else if (board[EAST(libs[r])] == EMPTY) {
      if (liberty_of_string(EAST(libs[r]), str2)) {
        add_array(moves, libs[r]);
        add_array(moves, EAST(libs[r]));
    else if (board[SOUTH(libs[r])] == EMPTY) {
      if (liberty_of_string(SOUTH(libs[r]), str2)) {
        add_array(moves, libs[r]);
        add_array(moves, SOUTH(libs[r]));
    else if (board[NORTH(libs[r])] == EMPTY) {
      if (liberty_of_string(NORTH(libs[r]), str2)) {
        add_array(moves, libs[r]);
        add_array(moves, NORTH(libs[r]));
  return 0;
int connection_two_moves (int str1, int str2) {
  int r, res = 0, moves[MAX_MOVES];
  if (moves_to_connect_in_two_moves(moves, str1, str2))
    return 1;
  for (r = 1; ((r < moves[0] + 1) && !res); r++) {
    if (trymove(moves[r], board[str1], NULL, 0, EMPTY, 0)) {
      if (connected_one_move(str1, str2))
        res = 1;
  return res;

int moves_to_prevent_connection_in_two_moves (int *moves, int str1, int str2) {
  if (moves_to_connect_in_two_moves(moves, str1, str2))
    return 1;
  return 0;

int prevent_connection_two_moves (int *moves, int str1, int str2) {
  int r, res=0;
  int possible_moves[MAX_MOVES];
  if (connection_in_two_moves(str1, str2)) {
    moves_to_prevent_connection_in_two_moves(possible_moves, str1, str2);
    for (r = 1; r < possible_moves[0] + 1; r++) {
      if (trymove(possible_moves[r], OTHER_COLOR(board[str1]), NULL, 0, EMPTY, 
0)) {
        if (!connection_one_move(str1, str2))
          if (!connection_two_moves(str1, str2))
            add_array(moves, possible_moves[r]);
  return res;

int moves_to_connect_in_three_moves (int *moves, int str1, int str2) {
  if (moves_to_connect_in_two_moves(moves, str1, str2))
    return 1;
  return 0;

int quiescence_connect(int str1, int str2) {
  int r;
  int liberties, libs[MAXLIBS];
  int adj, adjs[MAXCHAIN];
  /* Common liberties. */
  liberties = findlib(str1, MAXLIBS, libs);
  for (r = 0; r < liberties; r++)
    if (liberty_of_string(libs[r], str2))
      return 1;

  /* Common adjacent string in atari, more than one stone, no snapback. */
  adj = chainlinks2(str1, adjs, 1);
  for (r = 0; r < adj; r++)
    if (adjacent_strings(adjs[r], str2)
        && !snapback(adjs[r]))
      return 1;
  /* Common adjacent string two liberties, read ladder. */
  adj = chainlinks2(str1, adjs, 2);
  for (r = 0; r < adj; r++)
    if (adjacent_strings(adjs[r], str2))
      if (naive_ladder(adjs[r], NULL))
        return 1;
  return 0;

/* returns 1 if str1 and str2 can be connected */

int recursive_connect (int str1, int str2, int depth) {
  int i, res = 0, Moves[MAX_MOVES], ForcedMoves[MAX_MOVES];
  if ( (board[str1] == EMPTY) || (board[str2] == EMPTY) )
    return 0;
  if (same_string(str1, str2))
    return 1;
  if (nodes_connect > max_nodes_connect)
    return 0;
  if (depth == max_depth)
    return 0;


  if (quiescence_connect (str1, str2))
    return 1;

  ForcedMoves[0] = 0;
  Moves[0] = 0;
  if (prevent_capture_one_move(ForcedMoves, str1))
  else if (prevent_capture_one_move(ForcedMoves, str2))
/*   else if (prevent_capture_two_moves(ForcedMoves, str1)) */
/*     ;  */
/*   else if (prevent_capture_two_moves(ForcedMoves, str2)) */
/*     ;  */
  moves_to_connect_in_three_moves (Moves, str1, str2);

  if ( (ForcedMoves[0] != 0) && (Moves[0] != 0) )
    intersection_array(Moves, ForcedMoves);

  for (i = 1; ((i < Moves[0] + 1) && (res == 0)); i++) {
    if (trymove(Moves[i], board[str1], NULL, 0, EMPTY, 0)) {
      if (!recursive_disconnect(str1, str2, depth+1))
        res = 1;
  return res;
/* returns 1 if str1 and str2 can be disconnected */

int recursive_disconnect (int str1, int str2, int depth) {
  int i, res = 1, Moves[MAX_MOVES];
  if ((board[str1] == EMPTY) || (board[str2] == EMPTY))
    return 1;

  if (naive_ladder(str1, NULL))
    return 1;
  if (naive_ladder(str2, NULL))
    return 1;

  if (same_string(str1, str2))
    return 0;
  if (nodes_connect > max_nodes_connect)
    return 1;
  if (depth == max_depth)
    return 1;

  Moves[0] = 0;
  if (prevent_connection_one_move(Moves, str1, str2))
    res = 0;
  else if (prevent_connection_two_moves(Moves, str1, str2))
    res = 0;
  /* to do */
  /* else if (prevent_simple_connection_three_moves(Moves, str1, str2)) */
  /*  res = 0; */
  if (res == 0)
    for (i = 1; ((i < Moves[0] + 1) && (res == 0)); i++)
      if (trymove(Moves[i], OTHER_COLOR(board[str1]), NULL, 0, EMPTY, 0)) {
        if (!recursive_connect(str1, str2, depth+1))

  return res;
int capture_one_move (int str) {
  if (countlib(str) == 1)
    return 1;
  return 0;

int prevent_capture_one_move(int *moves, int str1) {
  int r, res=0;
  int liberties, libs[MAXLIBS];
  int adj, adjs[MAXCHAIN];
  liberties = findlib(str1, MAXLIBS, libs);
  if (liberties==1) {
    res = 1;
    adj = chainlinks2(str1, adjs, 1);
    for (r = 0; r < adj; r++)
      add_array(moves, adjs[r]);
    add_array(moves, libs[0]);
  return res;

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