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Re: [gnugo-devel] RE: Persistent cache

From: bump
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] RE: Persistent cache
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 12:20:48 -0800

> > and I'm not convinced this is really a problem in real game play.
> Personally, I see a possible relation with a Gnu Go weakness, the groups
> safety. Let's imagine that a dragon has been considered as not owl
> attackable because it managed to escape in a majority (if not all) of the
> tried variations. A couple moves later, it might be that these escape
> routes have all been cut, but the engine still trusts the cache...

I'm sure this can and does happen. It's possible that it's a
serious problem but in the absence of evidence to the contrary
I would tend to assume that it doesn't happen often enough to
justify expanding the active area.


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