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Re: [gnugo-devel] use fixed point arithmetics in accumulat_influence

From: Marco Scheurer
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] use fixed point arithmetics in accumulat_influence
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 15:39:14 +0100

On Saturday, November 30, 2002, at 02:19 AM, Arend Bayer wrote:
Gunnar wrote:
How big speedup did you experience?

IIRC around 30% for accumulat_influence(), but since we have Dave's and my
speedups in, this doesn't result in a big overall speedup currently.
(Could change of course if we decide to call influence.c more often.)
It was below 1%.

It seems to me that the profile for GNU Go is pretty flat, with all functions on average using less than 10% or even 5-6% of CPU. So it is unlikely that any optimization will result in an overall large speedup... 1% seems typical of what one can hope to reach.

Marco Scheurer
Sen:te, Lausanne, Switzerland

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