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Re: [gnugo-devel] Need help starting to help

From: Gunnar Farnebäck
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] Need help starting to help
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 13:54:15 +0200
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On 07/14/2013 05:04 AM, Eugene Wang wrote:
When I opened Gnu Go, I was confronted with a whole bunch of files, many
of them in foreign file formats.

I'm afraid I don't understand what foreign file formats mean in this
context. Can you be more explicit about what you do see and in which
ways it doesn't match your or your tools' expectations?

The documentation said that I could compile Gnu Go with the Cmake
GUI, but I couldn't figure out how. Can I have more detailed

The general idea is that you point CMake to the CMakeLists.txt at the
top GNU Go directory, then ask CMake to generate make files or project
files for the compiler you have installed. From there you build in the
usual way with the tools you have.

For more specific instructions than that someone who runs Windows
would need to chip in.

And when I tried to view the source code, I was confronted with a whole
bunch of files, some in foreign formats (I'm a windows user). I
specifically had improving the AI in mind, but before now all I had to
deal with were individual files of code. Where do I start?

The code IS a collection of individual files. Most of the reasoning
takes places in the engine/*.c files. The main() function lives in


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