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Tasks roadmap -- before contacting RMS again

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Tasks roadmap -- before contacting RMS again
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 14:58:51 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

I think the roadmap should be:

 I hope to commit (1) the next week. It is a basic feature.
 It would be great if we finish (2) before (2.1).
 We should take the (2.1) opportunity to realize (2.1.1) too.

(1) Feeds -- Job offers alerts

(2) re-use any forms to show error messages

(2.1) Avoid XSS attacks

(2.1.1) Trim white spaces before saving to the data base

* Rationale about cancelling the XHTML task and moving to HTML 4.01 Strict.


  * The cvs trunk is used to commit stable code, due to it
    is used by the production server at

  * The xhtml branch was created to work on the Smarty templates


    to move to "XHTML 1.0 Strict". However I think such branch
    is now obsolete due to we have already done a lot of
    modifications to the *.tpl at the cvs trunk.

    David, Victor, I propose avoid to use the xhtml branch and
    follow the below steps, working at the cvs trunk, to carry out
    the "HTML 4.01 Strict" task, which of course can be postponed:

      Moving from "HTML 4.01 Transitional" to "HTML 4.01 Strict"

      Steps to carry out:

       (1) Strip out markup that is designed to be used for
           presentation and replace it with CSS. It is pretty

       (2) Avoiding tables for layout is somewhat more work,
           but can wait until after the codbase is moved to
           "HTML 4.01 Strict". That is to say, after realizing
           the point (1).


As usual, flames are not only welcome but also needed!.
The project is not in a hurry.

Best regards,

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