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[Gnumed-devel] nitpick misspelling in saved SQL query

From: James Busser
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] nitpick misspelling in saved SQL query
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 20:24:15 -0800

One of the queries is

        patients whose narrative constains a certain coded term

--> "constains" should be "contains"

But I am now wondering about how revision of SQL content is handled in the 
scripts. Whereas I know that upgrades can import *new* data, in cases such as

- the above correction
- the Current Medication List template, which you indicated you revised

will re-upgrading a v11 into the most-current v12 import only the fixed 
medication template, on account of it being (from the point of view of v11) 
"new" whereas the fix in the name of "contains" would be excluded if its 
bootstrap resided at a level prior to v11? Even if this particular query was 
only introduced since the most recent official release, the question is a 
meta-one regarding the alteration of content originally bootstrapped prior to 
the most recent release.

Would you make a choice with respect to what might have been misspelt, as 
whether to

leave it as it originally was, in the original SQL script, and instead 
programming that record's name to be altered in the newer script or

delete it from the original iteration of the SQL in which it appeared, and 
provide it in the next official release v11->12 script? This would give anyone 
who had previously bootstrapped the originally-spelt version a second copy 
(containing the new spelling), and they could delete the older 
incorrectly-spelt one?

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