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Re: [gpsd-users] gpsd always starting in foregound (a systemd solution)

From: Moe
Subject: Re: [gpsd-users] gpsd always starting in foregound (a systemd solution)
Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 00:53:02 +1000

On Thu, 12 Jun 2014 21:48:52 -0400
"Jobs, Steve" <address@hidden> wrote:

> The problem turned out to be systemd.  Yay, now I can jump on the 
> bandwagon and rant about how systemd sucks.  Anyways, I would assume 
> anyone who is using a beaglebone black with either debian wheezy or 
> Jessie would be running into the same problem.  As I am using my BBB as 
> a headless server it was simple enough to disable systemd in the 
> Uenv.txt config file.  On reboot everything just works!
> On 5/27/2014 9:12 AM, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> > Jobs, Steve <address@hidden>:
> >> gpsd is always staring in the foreground (-N) with no additional arguments.
> >
> > That's a weird one.
> >
> > I see from your trace log that clone(2) is getting called but setsid()
> > is not.  So it looks like what's happening is that gpsd is for some
> > reason failing to background itself properly - probably because the
> > fork call is erroring out.
> >
> > First thing to figure out is whether your instance is calling daemon(3)
> > from a system library or from the emulation iin the GPSD distribution.
> > How are your C skills?

I felt I was missing out.  I just tried out a swanky new distribution that uses 
apt-get packages and systemd to handle gpsd, et al.. (Xubuntu 16.04)

As long as works without drama, I don't really care.

But, it didn't work, that is...until I had a discussion with systemd.

As others have noted the -N flag accompanied all gpsd starts regardless of the 
contents of /etc/default/gpsd file.  This was tracked down to:

# cat /lib/systemd/system/gpsd.service
Description=GPS (Global Positioning System) Daemon
# Needed with chrony SOCK refclock

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/gpsd -N $GPSD_OPTIONS $DEVICES   <-----right in there


If the flag is removed, and I reloaded the things that make systemd work, I 
could turn off the gpsd as before, but not restart it...if I rebooted, I get 
nothing.  Sure it said all was honky dory, or spit back a cryptic confession 
something of which I had no clue.

The 'net was of little help.  The spotty trail of tears runs a few years back, 
but with brief exchanges of bad advice and dead ends.

So this is my brief exchange of bad advice.

Add two lines


so the file now looks like: 
Description=GPS (Global Positioning System) Daemon
# Needed with chrony SOCK refclock

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/gpsd $GPSD_OPTIONS $DEVICES


gpsd now is controlable via 

service gpsd stop 
service gpsd start
service gpsd restart

There are the irritating pop up authentications, but it works for me, and the 
contents of /etc/default/gpsd are no longer glossed over.

Moe <address@hidden>

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