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Re: [Groff] Escape characters in -man output

From: Zvezdan Petkovic
Subject: Re: [Groff] Escape characters in -man output
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 12:34:30 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.2i

On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 10:43:40AM +0200, Jörgen Grahn wrote:
> The -c option mentioned is an option to grotty, so you have to "tunnel" it
> through groff's -P option. This works for me (with groff 1.19):
>    groff -P-c -Tlatin1 -man [...]
> (To confuse things a bit, groff has a -c option which is documented to
> disable tty color output, which in turn requires SGR -- but it disables
> color and nothing more.)
> Alternatively, you may set the GROFF_NO_SGR shell environment variable.
> That's also mentioned in grotty(1).

Setting GROFF_NO_SGR seems cleaner than calling groff with -P-c all the
time (or even aliasing it).

However, it uses the old way of backspacing for bold.
There is a better way that uses ASCII escape sequences.
        MANPAGER="more -R"
        export MANPAGER
in your .profile or use setenv if you use (t)csh.
It works for me on OpenBSD where "more" is a hard link to "less".
        $ ls -i /usr/bin/{more,less}
        247424 /usr/bin/less       247424 /usr/bin/more

You may need to replace "more" with "less" above.


        Zvezdan Petkovic

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