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hdparm documentation

From: Pedro A ARANDA
Subject: hdparm documentation
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 15:27:44 +0000


I'm trying to make the hdparm module run on my HP Mini 110. I have had no luck,
neither in doing so or finding documentation which could help me doing so. If I get
the right pointer and I make it run on my box, I'd be willing to post a HOWTO, to
make things easier to other people.

I'm currently running Ubuntu 2009.10 with grub2.

When I 

set debug=ata
insmod ata

I actually get my drive listed as (ata0,0) but when I then

insmod hdparm
hdparm -B 255 (ata0,0)

grub keeps telling me that the drive (hd0) is not known... 

The objective of the exercise is to make sure that grub2 disables APM and rid me
of the clunking which is going to kill my HD. I know Seagate (my HD's manufacturer)
should be caring a bit more... but since they have this peculiar customer care concept
and I don't want my HD unusable in a couple of months, I'll have to care about it.


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