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[Gtktalog-devel] Re: GTKatalog

From: Yves Mettier
Subject: [Gtktalog-devel] Re: GTKatalog
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 00:22:26 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.1

> Hi again,
> I am not a programmer myself but a cd does have a unique code I think.
> And mostly it also has a name. For example in GNome when you mount a
> cd-rom it automatically creates an icon on the desktop and that icon is
> named with the name of the inserted CD.
> I will try to find out more, maybe I can help even if I can't code it
> myself.

Well, you are right. If you put a CD in your CD player and if you are connected 
to the
net, it also goes somewhere to a CD database and fetch the song names, thanks 
to that
unique code.

But the question: what is that unique code ? Where to read id ?

> I have another question towards GTKtalog. For example I have a cd
> containing a movie named "Star_Wars_Episode_II".
> When I do an advanced search for "star wars" (not a case sensitive
> search) it still can't find it. I guess it has to do with the "_" but is
> there any way that a search for "star wars" would output
> "Star_Wars_Episode_II" as a search result?

This is not possible yet. You can only provide one keyword for the search, even 
if the
keyword contains some " " characters.
Well, we are rather working on the gnome2 port and the internals, but if 
someone wants
to code it, I'm sending this to the mailing list too :)


> Thanks again.
> Yves Mettier wrote:
>>You found the right person to write.
>>Your feature request is very interesting and...
>>I don't know how to do it, but as soon as I know how, or as I find somebody 
>>who knows
>>how to do it, it will be done.
>>>I am not sure if you are the right person to write too but I am using
>>>GTKatalog and I am very happy with it.
>>>There is just one thing I would like to see.
>>>I have a lot of CDs and sometimes I am not sure if that CDs is in my
>>>database already. So is it possible that when I insert that CD and try
>>>to add it again that I am told this CD exists already in the database?
>>>Thank you very much in advance.

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