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Please Help -- GtkCellRendererCombo

From: Puneet Goyal
Subject: Please Help -- GtkCellRendererCombo
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 14:22:39 +0530


  I am trying to hack guile-gnome to add GtkCellRendererCombo (GTK
VERSION 2.5.6) as a possible cell renderer.

  I made some trivial changes in the gtk.defs file. Right now I am
able to set the renderer for a particular cell as
gtk-cell-renderer-combo. But when I use add-attribute command for this
renderer, I get the error I have pasted below....

  One of the properties of this cell-renderer is "model". Should be of
type GtkTreeModel. I am using gtk_tree_store_new to pass a model.

  I also tried adding the following to the gtk.defs -- does not make
any difference.

(define-method add_attribute
  (of-object "GtkTreeViewColumn")
  (c-name "gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute")
  (return-type "none")
    '("GtkCellRenderer*" "cell_renderer")
    '("const-gchar*" "attribute")
    '("GtkTreeModel*" "tree-store")

;;;;;;   Error that I get

<unnamed port>: In procedure gtk-tree-view-column-add-attribute in
expression (#<gw:dynproc gtk-tree-view-column-add-attribute (4)> arg1
arg2 ...):
<unnamed port>: Wrong type argument in position 4: #<<gtk-tree-store> 40f441f0>
ABORT: (wrong-type-arg)

Type "(backtrace)" to get more information or "(debug)" to enter the debugger.

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