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Re: [PATCH] gnu: Add python-contextlib2

From: Chris Marusich
Subject: Re: [PATCH] gnu: Add python-contextlib2
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2015 21:14:29 -0800


On 12/6/15, Ludovic Courtès <address@hidden> wrote:
> Yes, could you adjust it and send an updated patch?

I've attached the new patch here. I've shortened a few lines,
including the one requested.

In particular, I've shortened every line of the description to 70
columns. Because of that, it looks like the first line of the
description will wind up being significantly shorter than 70 chars.
Are the newlines in the description significant? Or is there some
reformatting that happens when the description is printed to the
terminal, e.g. via "guix package --search=foo"? I'm just curious
because one might find it aesthetically displeasing if the first line
is cut short simply because we had to format to 70 columns the code
where the package description happened to be defined. It's totally
minor, though.

I'm also not sure why my emacs did not automatically wrap the lines to
70 chars in the first place, since I do see that the fill-column
variable was set to 70.  I guess I'll have to look into that, but for
now I was able to wrap it to 70 chars myself.

> I must I was a bit confused, partly due to the reply-on-top, which made
> it more difficult for me to see what you were referring to.  Okay, I was
> also late for other reasons ;-), but still, I think it’d be great if you
> could avoid top-posting.

Thanks for pointing this out; I'll reply on the bottom from now on!


Attachment: 0001-gnu-Add-python-contextlib2.patch
Description: Binary data

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