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First patch & hello

From: L p R n d n
Subject: First patch & hello
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2018 18:35:54 +0100
User-agent: Posteo Webmail


First, thank you very much for all the work done on Guix, it's a
pleasure to use it. And also many thanks to Pierre Neidhardt for his
very nice packaging tutorial, it helped me a lot.

So, I wrote my first package for guix and as I'm no dev and not used to
work with patches so I wanted to get some feedbacks before trying to
submit it.

I tried to package font-manager based on the definition used in Nix. It
seems to work but I have a few questions.

1 . I put the package under fontutils.scm but maybe there's a better
place for a font viewer?
2. I found there is a glib-or-gtk-build-system, I hesitated to use as Im̀
not sure what its purpose. Can someone clarify its use?
3. I tried to get a clean patch but it needed some manual work. What
your workflow to produce patches? (I use emacs)

(It's also my first time using a mailing list, I hope I didn't butcher anything)


Attachment: 0001-gnu-Add-font-manager.patch
Description: Text Data

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