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Re: [Gzz] Raw pools?

From: Tuomas Lukka
Subject: Re: [Gzz] Raw pools?
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:04:13 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Sun, Nov 17, 2002 at 10:46:17PM +0100, Benja Fallenstein wrote:
> Tuomas Lukka wrote:
> >>- Concept and rationale: Blocks to move easily between pools
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >Between pools?? 
> >
> Yes, so? (Whenever a block moves, it moves between pools? Except if a 
> pool moves physically, such as moving a disk to a different place, which 
> is not interesting to consider.)

Oh, my definition of pool was "all mediaserver repositories anywhere with
the same pool ID" -- more virtual.

So you mean moving between physical locations?

> >>Quite a suite. Would greatly help people trying to understand what we're 
> >>up to, though.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >How about starting with
> >
> >High-level
> >
> >1. Storm concept and rationale
> >     - eternal blocks, moving easily
> >
> Should also have the commitment PEG at the same time.

Well, that *could* also be later, as making this more exact.

> >2. Storm and crypto: signatures, identities
> What's this?

The overall intent on how Storm is supposed to work with crypto.

> >Implementation
> >
> >1. Storm block format
> >2. Storm pointers layer 1: no crypto, nothing except branching versioning
> >
> Should also have the pointer concept PEG then. Describing the formats 
> without the rationale doesn't make much sense.

I didn't say formats here. This *would* be the concept. ;)

> Also, 'implementation' is a misnomer: 'Formats' would be better.

Well, then the above pointers thing shouldn't be here.

> >>Would making "these blocks are the same"-style links and signing them 
> >>digitally not work?
> >
> >We don't have that yet.
> >
> >I want to be able to have it working *right now* so that someone can just
> >plug in a file they got from somewhere.
> Well, I won't convince you by reiterating my points, so it seems that we 
> have to introduce the new format. But I still don't agree with your 
> reasoning, since they *can* plug in the file if they got it from somewhere:
> java gzz.mediaserver.AddToMediaserver -c Z/ guess article.pdf
> What they cannot do is to write a program that automatically requests 
> this from a library which takes the SHA-1 of the block's body. However, 
> I don't know anybody who wants to do this *now*. So "we don't have that 
> *yet*" does not make a difference. Heck, even if someone *wanted* to do 
> it right now, we could make a mapping from the canonical blocks' ids to 
> their bodies' hashes; then those files could be requested from the 
> library (e.g., content distribution network) and inserted as canonical 
> blocks.
> I do think that we will want to have the header/body separation, but:


> >>With this, at the time this is in common use it's entirely possible that 
> >>a new, more efficient way of doing this has been found, and we will 
> >>*have* to support it-- which would mean *two* more formats to support by 
> >>implementers, because the format introduced now would also have to be 
> >>supported.
> >>
> Now, you replied to that by saying:
> >That's why I think we should probably get rid of canonical blocks *right 
> >now*.
> >
> But how does this relate to what I write above? I wrote it as a reason 
> for *not* moving to something new, so if you think it's a reason for the 
> opposite, you *should* say why :-) :-).
> >They were probably a wrong solution.
> > 
> >
> The decision was based on exactly the points made here, and I obviously 
> still think they're true. ;-)

Ok. Canonical blocks are bad, because

        1) they don't solve the problem of getting the unadulterated data's 
           except through new features which just make things more complicated
           (everyone has to support those mappings etc!)
        2) they have a part of the normal header but not all; everyone needs to 
           that as well.

I think they get us *more* complexity than the header-block separation would,
so it might be good to ditch them *now*.


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