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Building a parse tree...

From: Steve Fernandez
Subject: Building a parse tree...
Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 09:10:38 +0530

Hi guys,

        I'm really sorry if this isn't the place to ask my question, but
I found no other. I am a novice as far as bison is concerned. I wrote a
desktop calculator, a common exercise, to compute the value of an
arithmetic expression. The result was correct. But I need to construct a
parse tree for the expression. Now I discovered that I could get the
postfix form of the input expression from the parser, and is there some
way to build a parse tree using this? Or is there an easier way?

        Thank you for any help. If someone would enlighten me about more
bison mailing lists I would be very thankful.

Steve Fernandez.

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