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Re: Bison - LR(1) parser-generator

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: Bison - LR(1) parser-generator
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 20:35:44 +0200

On 10 Apr 2007, at 15:59, Rob Quill wrote:

Did I imagine it, or did I read somewhere that one of the suggested
improvements of Bison was to make it produce LR(1) parsers,


as LALR(1)
is used because they produce smaller tables, but now the memory
restriction is not so great, it is not as necessary to use LALR?

LR(1) is bigger and may grow exponentially. But one flaw of LALR(1) is that the states are being merged in a way that an error token may not be reported immediately, but some reductions may take place before that. This destroys (or makes difficult) accurate error handling, and also, makes it difficult for an interactive parser that wants to display the completion tokens (as they will be spread on a sequence of reductions). One can though merge states in LR(k) as well in the same manner as in LALR(1).

This stuff has been discussed here and there in the Bison lists.

  Hans Aberg

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