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--output and %output options

From: tys lefering
Subject: --output and %output options
Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 12:54:12 +0200
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.18

Running bison-2.4.1 from a script and using commandline options
--output=file.c and --defines=file.h to know where the output is,
it appears that if there are %output or %defines statements in
the input grammar the output is written to other files.

Would it not be better if the commandline options --output and
--defines override the settings from %output and %defines in the
grammar ?

Now have to scan the input grammar for %output and %defines to know
where the output will be witten to.

example test.y:
%output = "otherfile.c"
%defines "otherfile.h"

bison --output=file.c --defines=file.h test.y

and the output is in otherfile.c and otherfile.h and not in
file.c and file.h .

Also what is the official syntax for the %output statement ?
bison-2.3 wants '%output = "filename"' and bison-2.4.1
accepts '%output "filename"' or '%output = "filename"' .


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