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Re: Init error message

From: Kevin Reeder
Subject: Re: Init error message
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 21:58:22 GMT
User-agent: Pan/0.11.2 (Unix)

Many thanks for the in-depth responses. Later today, possibly tomorrow,
I'll have a chance to work with the ideas you shared. Posting now so as
not to appear ungrateful.

As I recall when I installed Xemacs, a "sample" .emacs file was provided
which I copied into my ~/ and made a few customizations. It now seems
quite clear that there are important differences between what Xemacs
wants from that file and what GNU Emacs wants. Question: would it be best
to just start over rather than try to jerry rig the old file?

> . . .you are wise to migrate to the One True Editor.

What was I thinking???


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