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Re: I wish list-buffers used my current window when it listed my buffers

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: I wish list-buffers used my current window when it listed my buffers
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 16:51:30 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Jay Cotton wrote:
> Dan Espen wrote:
> > I still think any tweaking of list-buffers is a waste of time.
> > Just replace it with the electric version.
> I hate to pick nits with the guy who seems closest to my POV on this
> issue, but after using the electric version a little bit I did
> notice some weirdness.
> For instance, it clobbers C-x and a bunch of other huge
> keybindings. I can't select text for the kill ring. I can't isearch
> for the buffer I'm looking for.

Those are annoying deficiencies.  Not enough to turn me off to it.
But definitely annoying that the interface isn't consistent with other
parts of emacs.  Maybe it would be possible to fix those things.

I have other things about electric-buffer-mode that annoy me.  It has
nasty highlighting that I disable.  The latest version uses an ugly
character set that I don't like but haven't been able to disable.

> I love the fact that it opens in the same window, but I can imagine
> the dev group catching a lot of flak if they replaced the
> 'list-buffers default with something so different as this.

I only wish that they would get in trouble for breaking long standing
behavior!  Every time a I upgrade to a new release of emacs I spend a
lot of time fixing things back to the way they were before.  They
definitely don't seem to be holding back on changing major behaviors.


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