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Re: bbdb-define-all-aliases

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: bbdb-define-all-aliases
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:05:00 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

Sharon Kimble <> writes:

> So I'll now put the bbdb code of mine back and see
> if it happens again. What fun!

Absolutely positively: solve problems, get new ones...

BBDB [1] ("The Insidious Big Brother Database") seems
to be very ambitious to be an address book! (Probably
more than meets the eye, then.)

Anyone can get an address book for Gnus and the
message-mode like this - put entries in the .mailrc
file, i.e. the file specified in

    alias john    "John DiFool <>"
    alias kate    "Katherine Moss <>"
    alias friends john kate

And then you can put the file into Conf mode to make
it look good (I'd give it to you if I could, but I
borrowed it):

    (let ((extras '(
            ("\\.\\(glsl\\|oil\\)"                         . c-mode)
            ("\\.lua"                                      . lua-mode)
            ("\\.\\(list\\|theme\\|mailrc\\|sed\\|inc\\)"  . conf-mode)
            ; ...
      (setq auto-mode-alist (append extras auto-mode-alist)) )

Bring the file up lightning-fast with a keystroke and
you are all set. To never have to fumble for email
addresses is a bliss!

I'm not saying BBDB is anything less (I never used it)
but .mailrc is very easy and quick to setup and use.

To answer a mail with the original yanked so you can
quote, which is a very good idea (both of them), use
`gnus-article-followup-with-original' from the article


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