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Re: finding libguile in my own lilypond compile

From: David Petrou
Subject: Re: finding libguile in my own lilypond compile
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 02:02:11 -0400

Thanks for the quick replies!

Mats Bengtsson <address@hidden> wrote:
> > lilypond: error in loading shared libraries: cannot
> > open shared object file: No such file or directory
> > i've looked at lilypond with ldd and it seems to want
> Sorry to ask this trivial question, but have you checked carefully
> that the lilypond binary that ly2dvi calls is the same as the
> binary you ran ldd on?

and Jan Nieuwenhuizen <address@hidden> wrote:
> To be sure, try 
>    ldd `which lilypond`

Of course, both of you are right.  The binary that ly2dvi calls isn't
the lilypond that I compiled and ldd'd above.  Instead ly2dvi is
calling "lilypond" which finds it in /usr/bin/lilypond from a previous
install from an RPM.

I didn't think about this at first because I thought that by running
lilypond-login my env vars would be set correctly to find my lilypond
binary.  But that's not the case...

So, what did was change the line in ly2dvi (in 1.3.95) that read:
  cmd = 'lilypond %s %s 2>&1' % (getLilyopts(), file)

  cmd = os.path.join(os.environ['LILYPONDPREFIX'], '../../bin/lilypond %s %s 
2>&1' % (getLilyopts(), file))

This seems really ugly though.  I'm wondering, how do you guys that do
lilypond development cleanly solve the problem?

So, after the above change, lilypond is found just fine.  But now I
have a different problem:

guntram 10/11 8:24 ~/coda_rocks/classes/counterpoint/examples>
~/lilydev/bin/ly2dvi whipple_minor_ex
ly2dvi (GNU LilyPond) 1.3.95
executing: /home/dpetrou/lilydev/share/lilypond/../../bin/lilypond 
whipple_minor_ex 2>&1
GNU LilyPond 1.3.95.
Now processing: `'
Parsing...scm_unprotect_object called on unprotected object
ly2dvi: LilyPond failed:
/home/dpetrou/lilydev/share/lilypond/../../bin/lilypond whipple_minor_ex 2>&1

I couldn't find this error in the mailing list archives or FAQ.  Also,
I know is fine; it compiles under 1.2.11.

One other thing, the lilypond-login file created in buildscripts/out
after I compiled 1.3.95 seems to not be completely correct.  My
--prefix-dir is /home/dpetrou/lilydev and lilypond-login correctly
points GS_FONTPATH and LILYPONDPREFIX to stuff off of
/home/dpetrou/lilydev, but MFINPUTS and TEXINPUTS point to stuff in
/usr/share/lily instead.  Is this correct?

Thanks a lot!

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