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Re: [Help-gnunet] question about namespaces and sporadic updates

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] question about namespaces and sporadic updates
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 23:47:55 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

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On Wednesday 17 March 2004 06:07 am, David Roundy wrote:
>  Is there any way to recursively add a directory
> structure to my namespace?

Yes, use the options "-rb" (-r for recursive processing, -b for "build 
directories").  That should give you almost exactly what you want.  Oh, and 
I'd suggest using gnunet-gtk for downloading directories, it gives you a nice 
way to "browse" the directory structure (do a namespace search for the root, 
then you can start to navigate directories). 

> It would also be nice to have a flag to tell gnunet-search to exit after it
> has found one reasonable match (where "reasonable" may be a bit tricky to
> define).  A timeout of 1 second (and the timeout doesn't seem to accept
> floating input) would add about four hours to downloading the (rather
> large) repository I was considering making available via gnunet.

Eh, what?  I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about here.  How can 
1s take 4 hours???  I don't see why anyone would want floating-point 
timeouts, but it should be trivial for anyone to add an option "exit after n 
search results".

> Perhaps I should just give up on the idea of using gnunet, since it doesn't
> seem to be designed to scale for the purposes for which I'd be interested
> in using it, which is as an alternative transport mechanism (that is,
> alternative to http, scp, ftp etc) for darcs repositories.

I don't know what darcs is. Also, http/scp/ftp etc. are not really anonymous, 
so there will always be some performance hit right here. If you don't need 
anonymity (or deniability), don't use GNUnet's AFS.  In the future we might 
have non-anonymous (and thus faster) transport mechanisms build on top of 
GNUnet.  Either way, GNUnet makes no sense at all as a replacement for ftp or 
scp, if you need scp, use scp (or with updates, rsync / rdist!).  We're not 
trying to build a replacement for these fine tools here.

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