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Re: make can not find .cpp file, any general comments or suggestions to

From: Lin George
Subject: Re: make can not find .cpp file, any general comments or suggestions to debug?
Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 00:01:30 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks Dave,

I agree with all your points, besides,

> CPPCLAGS is used by th preprocessor, the C compiler,
> and the C++
> compiler (and other things that use the preprocessor

In my previous mind, CPPFLAGS is only used for
preprocessor, you mean it is also used for C and C++

(I think maybe you mean C and C++ compiler invokes C


--- Dave Hylands <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hi Lin,
> > A great answer! I often use -I -D -l -L to
> > compile/build program/shared library. Do you have
> any
> > comments or suggestions about whether I should add
> -I
> > (-D, -l and -L) to CXXFLAGS or CPPFLAGS?
> Generally speaking, -D and -I options should be
> assigned to CPPFLAGS.
> CPPCLAGS is used by th preprocessor, the C compiler,
> and the C++
> compiler (and other things that use the preprocessor
> like asm files
> with the .S extension).
> CFLAGS is used by the C compiler
> CXXFLAGS is used by the C++ compiler
> -L tells the linker where to find libraries, so it
> should be added to LDFLAGS.
> -l adds a library to the list of linker libraries
> and should be added to LDLIBS
> Options like -Wall are compiler options and so
> should be added to
> --
> Dave Hylands
> Vancouver, BC, Canada

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