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Re: change ci/rlog, etc to accept '@' as part of symbol

From: Aaron S. Hawley
Subject: Re: change ci/rlog, etc to accept '@' as part of symbol
Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 16:41:50 -0400 (EDT)

allowing numeric and other "special" characters as the login value of a
revision is a common conflict for users of RCS.  here's a debian gnu/linux
bug report on the issue.

i'm sure there is similar archived discussions of this issue in other
places.  they will likely accompany reasons why the "status quo" behavior
exists.  though the status quo could be just backwards compatibility.

if by "system" you mean some front-end to RCS, i'm sure there's some
workaround you could do that could provide a workaround of patching RCS
source files, making your "system" more portable (not requiring a patched
version of RCS).


On Wed, 11 May 2005, Sam Detweiler wrote:

> I have a need to build a system using RCS where the change Authors (-w)
> id string will be an email address, containing the '@'.
> Currently this is not allowed.
> I have a small change to rcslex which does support this, and would like 
> feedback on how big the exposure to this change might be.
> Of course we can add another parm to enable this behavior on request.
> Sam

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