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Re: Degree sequence game segfault, was: Re: [igraph] problems with param

From: Mario Lavezzi
Subject: Re: Degree sequence game segfault, was: Re: [igraph] problems with parameters in barabasi.game()
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:25:01 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080724)

I did many simulations today and, following Gabor's suggestions (many thanks, again), everything went fine.

Only little problem: the degree.sequence.game() function actually does not generate the graph quite often as I increase the power-law exponent. With the exponent set to 2 I found no particular problems, with the exponent set to 2.6 I find quite difficult to obtain a graph.

For the moment, I am circumventing this by running simulations with different seeds (using the R instruction set.seed()), until I obtain a graph.

I am simulating networks with 1000 agents, and I am not quite sure that, by augmenting the number of agents, the difficulty for the code to generate a graph with exponents higher than two will disappear.


Csardi Gabor wrote:
Mario, please read this for a workaround:



On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 06:12:37PM +0200, Csardi Gabor wrote:
Mario, no, it is not supposed to "work" like this, this is a bug, possibly in igraph, possibly in the C++ code we use for the graph generation. Sorry about this, I'll try to correct it.


On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 05:59:10PM +0200, Mario Lavezzi wrote:
Gabor, thanks a lot. It seems to work but, most of the times, after following your suggestions, I get a message like this:

*** caught segfault ***
address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'

1: .Call("R_igraph_degree_sequence_game", as.numeric(out.deg), as.numeric(in.deg), as.numeric(method), PACKAGE = "igraph")
2: degree.sequence.game(degreeSeq, method = "vl")

Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspace
4: exit R saving workspace


...and have to stop..

I understand this has to do with the way R works, but I have not found any useful help on this in the web
(by the way, I use R 2.6.2 on Linux Ubuntu 8.04)


Mario, I would try 'sample' first, e.g.
degs <- sample(1:1000, 1000, replace=TRUE, prob=(1:1000)^-2)
g <- degree.sequence.game(degs, method="vl")

Note that it is not always possible to realize a given degree sequence,
e.g. if the sum of degrees is odd, then it is trivially impossible.

Andrea Mario Lavezzi
Dipartimento di Studi su Politica, Diritto e Società
Università di Palermo
Piazza Bologni 8
90134 Palermo, Italy
tel. ++39 091 6625600
fax ++39 091 6112023
skype: lavezzimario
email: lavezzi (at) unipa.it
web: http://www.unipa.it/~lavezzi

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Andrea Mario Lavezzi
Dipartimento di Studi su Politica, Diritto e Società
Università di Palermo
Piazza Bologni 8
90134 Palermo, Italy
tel. ++39 091 6625600
fax ++39 091 6112023
skype: lavezzimario
email: lavezzi (at) unipa.it
web: http://www.unipa.it/~lavezzi

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