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Re: [igraph] Language remmendations

From: Tom Backer Johnsen
Subject: Re: [igraph] Language remmendations
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 13:35:15 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209)

Gábor Csárdi wrote:
Tom, I will be short, because I think there is not much to say, Tamas
already wrote what he thinks is relevant about the Python interface
and I don't know any better than him.

Personally I think that if you want to do math and you know R fairly
well, then there is no point in switching to Python. Both R and Python
are nice languages with extensive sets of third party packages. The
main difference I see is that the R functionality is shifted towards
math and statistics. What Python offers is a more diverse set of
extensions (e.g. if you want your program to talk to web-servers
directly, then Python is a better choice) and a somewhat cleaner
language (IMHO). If you want to create sophisticated figures, then R
has an advantage in this, I believe.

Sure. R is very powerful for math and stats as well as graphics, but is slightly inconsistent in some areas. I would not mind using what you characterize as a "slightly cleaner language".

In summary, I would say go with the language you know better. But of
course learning Python is fun,



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