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[igraph] Generation of Random Graphs According to Some Rules

From: Lorenzo Isella
Subject: [igraph] Generation of Random Graphs According to Some Rules
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 15:13:32 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Dear All,
I would like to test the features of a real network against some null models, meant as random network sharing only some statistical properties of the real network. Below you find a list of quantities of interest whose distribution should be preserved by the igraph-generated network

(1) The random network should have a given P(k) [this question of mine was actually answered on the mailing list some time ago]

In addition to (1), I would like each time one of the following properties of the original graph to be preserved in the randomized network

(2) the average nearest neighbor degree distribution k_nn(k) or
(3) the vertex betweenness distribution or
(4) the local transitivity coefficient distribution (also called clustering coefficient distribution) or (5) the neighborhood distribution (loosely speaking), meant as the number of nodes I can reach by making n steps from any node in the graph

I have no idea of how to deal with requirements (2) to (5) [it does not sound trivial to me] hence any suggestion is really appreciated.
Many thanks


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