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[igraph] iGraphObjects

From: Harun Pirim
Subject: [igraph] iGraphObjects
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 09:22:22 -0600

Dear All,


I have just registered to mailing list, and thanks for all inspring discussions.


I have couple of questions which may be really easy for you to answer:


1-) cGrph <- lapply(1:3, delete.edges(MST, c(which.max(edge.betweenness(MST))-1)))  I use that script to iteratively remove the most between 3 edges in MST(a tree) but this doesn’t work.

So how can end up with a forest removing the most between 3 edges using a loop structure?


2-) I have many subgraphs, I want to calculate the degree of vertices in each subgraph and hold them in a list to be able to compare with the values in another list.


I tried this code:


y <- lapply(0:4, function(i) paste(sgr, i, sep="") )


here sgr1 for example is a graph object, I was hoping exactly to get sgr1 object values when I write y[[2]], however this list gives confusing elements which is really different than sgr0, sgr1, sgr2, sgr3, sgr4.


Sgr1 is :


Vertices: 3

Edges: 3

Directed: FALSE



[0] 'ERn_LNp_Nevins7'  -- 'ERn_LNn_Nevins26'

[1] 'ERn_LNp_Nevins7'  -- 'ERn_LNn_Nevins48'

[2] 'ERn_LNn_Nevins26' -- 'ERn_LNn_Nevins48'




Best Regards,



Harun Pirim

MS State Univ.

Ind. & Sys. Eng. Dept.




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