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[igraph] Problem in igraph making RGL objects?

From: Jeff Hemsley
Subject: [igraph] Problem in igraph making RGL objects?
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 17:34:10 -0700

I'm using igraph in R and plotting my network to rglplot. Links are
being created as "quads" as expected. Oddly, ALL vertices are being
created as a SINGLE sphere object.

This is a problem because it means I can interact with links, but not
vertices once I get it in RGL. Is this intended behavior? If so, is
there a workaround?

Here is some example code that reproduces the issue:

g <- grg.game(100, 0.1, torus=FALSE)

l <- layout.kamada.kawai(g, dim=3)

rglplot(g, layout=l, edge.arrow.size=0, edge.arrow.width=0)

# once plotted with rgl the network is represented as a 3d scene with objects.
rgl.plot.id <- rgl.ids() # gets all the ids for all the objects in the scene
colnames(rgl.plot.id) # note, two cols: 'id' and 'type'
unique(rgl.plot.id$type) # what kinds of objects do we have?
which(rgl.plot.id$type == "spheres") # hum. Only one sphere? Shouldn't
I have vcount(g) spheres?

Any guidance is appreciated.

Jeff Hemsley
Doctoral Candidate
The Information School
University of Washington

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