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[igraph] What is the fast way to find the maximum out-component in a erd

From: address@hidden
Subject: [igraph] What is the fast way to find the maximum out-component in a erdos-renyi random graph
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 10:41:21 +0800

Iam trying to find the maximum out-component in a erdos-renyi random graph.
Using the array GSCCnod to record the vertices in the maximum strongly connected component,
Goutnod to record that if a vertice is in the maximum out-component:
Goutnod[i]==-1 means that vertice i is not in the maximum out-component
and Goutnod[i]==1 means that vertice i is in the maximum out-component.
But the graph contains too many vertices. It takes too much time to compute Goutnod. How can I make it faster.
Here is the source code:
ER2 <- erdos.renyi.game(100000, 200000, "gnm", TRUE)
SGer2_CluMem=clusters(ER2, "strong")$membership
SGer2_CluSiz=clusters(ER2, "strong")$csize
SGer2_CluNum=clusters(ER2, "strong")$no
Nummax <-0
for (i in 1:SGer2_CluNum)
    if (SGer2_CluSiz[i] > Nummax)
         Nummax <- SGer2_CluSiz[i]
         Maxmem <- i
GSCCnod <- rep(0, Nummax)
j <- 1
for (i in 1:100000)
    if (SGer2_CluMem[i] == Maxmem)
         GSCCnod[j] <- i
         j <- j + 1
Goutnod <- rep(-1,100000)    
for (i in 1:Nummax)
      gout <- subcomponent(ER2, GSCCnod[i], "out")
      len <- length(gout)
      for (k in 1: len)
           Goutnod[gout[k]] <- 1                 
Thank you


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