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Strangeness with IMAP (missing articles)

From: Andreas Rottmann
Subject: Strangeness with IMAP (missing articles)
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 10:08:10 GMT
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)


My Gnus (Debian, 5.10.6-8) seems confused about IMAP - it generally
seems to work, but e.g. when opening my INBOX (with no unread
articles), there are lots of articles missing, which in fact *are* in
the folder and are show by the IMAP webfrontend (SqWebMail). In
another folder, it shows different articles than the ones that are in
fact in the folder; and when I try to select those, I get "No such
article (may have expired or be cancelled)" in the minibuffer.

Any ideas how to fix this? FWIW, my .gnus.el is attached.

Attachment: .gnus.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

Thanks, Rotty
Andreas Rottmann         | Rotty@ICQ      | 118634484@ICQ |      | GnuPG Key:
Fingerprint              | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

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