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[Ipfc-developer] infirm

From: John Wise
Subject: [Ipfc-developer] infirm
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 15:17:08 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

Therefore, to every greedy corporation, we will once again tax, tax, tax, and tax.
I hope there will be many more such days.
They have no problem with sending their unsuspecting mother to do their dirty work. Here we wear our hearts on our sleeves, lest anyone miss the point.
I've written before about having to treat people that aren't really interested in the proper treatment.
Sometimes out in the community, as an afterthought, it can be a bit unsettling coming in contact with drug addicts posing as normal people.
Next invest in a few dump truck loads of the finest benzodiazepines, opioids, cocaine, and marijuana. Actually this is the core of Christianity but I find that true Christianity is rarely practiced on a large scale.
I had to help him do something about a will.
I think we should put the world leaders in the ring and let them go at it until one surrenders instead of forcing the people to fight wars that they aren't certain of why they are fighting. A fellow blogger gave me a more realistic view by stating his goal as trying to change the world one individual at a time.
I listened to him speak of the hurt and disappointment he felt toward his oldest living son who has self destructed and will likely never be seen again.
I listened to him speak of the hurt and disappointment he felt toward his oldest living son who has self destructed and will likely never be seen again. Instead, every week seems to bring potential danger.
Most of the moronic behaviors occur at the bottom of the chain.
They each knew the infiltrator was there, but not who it was. I interpreted this spiritually to mean that God intended to keep this as simple as possible, as God often does by allowing me to feel a degree of humility when I need it. Doctors will be expected to do some indigent care, but with my plan the patient who has reached such a status mostly through poor treatment compliance cannot hold anyone else liable.
He received a diagnosis of cancer but at least was finally able to get some relief from the depression.
We take a common sense approach to handling issues of the common people. We project that we will be able to buy Iraq at this time.
Being a better parent, a better spouse, a better child, a better friend in just a single individual does indeed make the world a small degree better. In fact, getting caught is probably the only thing that will make them stop the behavior. Your Senators and Congressmen have Cadillac health care plans. Thus, those of us continuing to survive are inversely strengthened inwardly even as our physical being is inevitably weakened and diminished by father time.
When they discover they are actually paying for it, I predict they will become pissed and refuse to buy the product.

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