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[Koha-devel] adding biblio

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] adding biblio
Date: Wed May 15 07:43:02 2002
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I've just commited 2 small corrections in newbiblio and addorder scripts.

But my question is still here !
When you're on a basket and click on a biblio link, you're asking the system to do something strange... I explain : you call "newbiblio.pl", which mean you want to ADD a biblio/biblioitem. See, for example, barcode calculation in newbiblio.pl.
Chris told me it was supposed to EDIT the biblio/biblioitem.

I dig 3 hours in this code, and still does not understand what happends, where it's wrong, and how to correct. What i'm sure, is that it has a strange behaviour. Could someone (from katipo maybe) have a *deep* look and explain me or correct the problem ?

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