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Re: [Koha-devel] about cvs usage

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] about cvs usage
Date: Thu May 16 05:20:04 2002
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Chris Cormack wrote:
Question 2 : how to avoid having to type my "#
address@hidden's password:" 50 times a day ?

Ahh this question i can actually answer with some certainty.
You can generate keys for use with ssh, if you do this it will use the
keys to connect instead. And you wont have to type your password.

Tells you about it.
I had already read that page and done what was said.
I have generated ssh-key (don't remember how...)
I've added my key to my personal SF page : https://sourceforge.net/account/editsshkeys.php. My key is beginning by : 1024 35 138320998574133883235..., ending by my login (address@hidden)

I can connect with ssh to my SF shell, so it seems to work.
I connect, (under bash) to cvs using :
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z3 -d:ext:tipaul@cvs.koha.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/koha co koha

as stated in the cvs page

But... it don't work good it seems :-((

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