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Re: [Koha-devel] Textual MARC editor

From: Jesse
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Textual MARC editor
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:22:39 -0600

>  I've not tried it on a modern browser/computer (just on my Mac OS
>  9.2.2 with iCab 2.9.9 browser, PowerMac 7500), so perhaps some
>  features were not showing up because of that. That said, I like the
>  concept of being able to edit using free text editing rather than
>  being locked into something more restrictive.
>  How does your editor deal with diacritics? What if someone needs to
>  enter a dollar sign, how is that escaped?  How does one edit the 008
>  bytes? The leader bytes? What about using MARCMaker format (the
>  format used by MarcEdit)?

Diacritics are assumed to be handled outside the editor, say by a
compose key on linux. Dollar signs are only interpreted as subfield
separators when they are followed by a lowercase letter or number and
a space; thus, $19.00 will not cause any problems, though $1 will. You
can edit the leader; it is just hidden in our MARC framework and
autogenerated. On a default Koha install, the relevant parts of the
leader will be autogenerated and shown in the editor.

The editor really only supports the "245 11 $a Pizza / $b by Mario
Piazzo" format, though it could easily be extended to parse others.

>  Is it possible to use this outside of Koha--how integrated is it? Is
>  the code available?

I have attached the CGI script and template; you can replace
addbiblio.pl with this script entirely, or you can patch addbiblio.pl
to redirect to addbiblio-text.pl based on the value of the MARCEditor
preference (also attached). The CGI code does have some unneeded
functions and rough parts; it could be cleaned up a lot.


Attachment: addbiblio.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: addbiblio-text.pl
Description: Perl program

Attachment: addbiblio-text.tmpl
Description: Binary data

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