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[Koha-devel] very nerdish geek onto the lazy git

From: Ignacio Javier
Subject: [Koha-devel] very nerdish geek onto the lazy git
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 13:51:23 +0200

Hi all:

I'm trying to undo changes I've made on a lot (70) files in my kohaclone
directory, so trash them and revert all since the last commit I've made to
the origin branch, anyone has idea how using a git command or commands

I've tried a:

git fetch 
git rebase --continue origin

but a *more or less lot* of messages appear:

...pl: needs update

So I wanted to understand this error without being neither Linus Torvalds
neither Junio Hamano, then I did notice was impossible. 

Have anyone idea of a alternative psicology for the problem, (...so I need
only the command line... ;-)?

I'll give a thanks in atomic unicode to the person who solves this.

Ignacio Javier Gómez Rodríguez
Tfno: 902905590 - Fax:  981571425

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