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Re: [libcvd-members] libcvd-members] compile error

From: E. Rosten
Subject: Re: [libcvd-members] libcvd-members] compile error
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:21:29 +0100 (BST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.00 (LSU 1167 2008-08-23)

On Thu, 12 Jul 2012, Yili Zhao wrote:

 thanks for explanation, and because the libavfilter ABI is now
declared unstable based on the notes from Libav website[1], it is
reasonable to stick to Libav 0.7 series until Libav becomes stable.

 And I should clarify that Ubuntu 12.04 uses Libav, not FFmpeg, sorry
for that confusion.

Ah ok. It seems that the FFMPEG and libAV APIs are still somewhat compatible. Also, we're using some very old features, which is where the problem lies.

You're probably in luck though: I have some newer ffmpeg code which I need on a current project, which I've been meaning to integrate into libCVD for a month or two now. I'll probably do it in the next week or so.

 By the way, libcvd will generate three share libraries "",
"" and "", but invoked "sudo make install",
only two share libraries "" and "" were copied,
the share library "" was not installed into /usr/local/lib.

I've not encountered that problem, but I'll take a look.

Can you paste the output of make install?


 Has anyone encounter this problem?

2012/7/11 E. Rosten <address@hidden>:

I'm afraid that we don't yet support the 8.x series of FFMPEG, since they've
changed the interface (again), but unlike other previous changes, it is not
obvious how to upgrade ot the new API.

For now, the best workaround is to install an older version somewhere, and
compile against that. I think anything in the 0.7 series should be OK. I'm
on 0.7.11 and it works fine.

A 0.8.x compatible version will be made at some point, but when 0.8 came out
most of the documantation was rather poor.



On Sun, 8 Jul 2012, Yili Zhao wrote:

 I just want to add the note that I use Ubuntu 12.04, and the FFmpeg
version is 0.8.3.

 It seems that the const MAX_STREAMS has been removed from avformat.h?


Yili Zhao

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Edward Rosten                     Machine Intelligence Laboratory          Department of Engineering
+44 1223 7 65960                          University of Cambridge

Yili Zhao

Edward Rosten                     Machine Intelligence Laboratory          Department of Engineering
+44 1223 7 65960                          University of Cambridge

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