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Re: [libmicrohttpd] Question on Async support

From: silvioprog
Subject: Re: [libmicrohttpd] Question on Async support
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2018 16:48:46 -0300

You're welcome. ☺

On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 4:09 PM Santos Das <address@hidden> wrote:

Thanks a lot. Is there any significant performance impact when it runs in this mode ?

I'm using the built-in MHD main loop through a recent released project called Sagui Project. Take a look at some benchmarks vs NodeJS/Nginx (this high-performance would not be possible without MHD library, thanks Christian, Evgeny and all). You should test MHD in a minimal project to check its features. Feel free to ask questions regarding it.

Has anyone compared its performance against "mongoose " ?

Some time ago: I tested MHD vs Mongoose vs Soup. I'm inclined to add Mongoose in my new tests.
I''m evaluating a http library for my C++ based application microservices .  I am evaluating libraries that can provide our C++ workers with native HTTP capabilities. 

I’m defining native as:

  • No additional threads other than those spawned by the application when it chooses to use blocking calls (entirely optional)
  • No additional queueing
  • Native sockets interface with full use of listen, accept, bind, connect, recv, send.

Please take a look at MHD reference manual and this tutorial, it contains a lot of info and tips regarding the library features. Also, take a look at daemon.c and connection.c files here. ☺
Do you think libmicrohttpd is the best choice or is there any better alternatives for me ?

I'm working a lot to release a new project for Delphi XE (Pascal and C++) and Free Pascal, and I have plan to support Python and Java too. I tested a lot of libraries before (libsoup, mongoose, libuv based libraries, libevent based libraries and so on), but MHD was the minimal, simplest, safe and performatic ANSI C library to develop cross-platform HTTP(S) servers. So, since we are in a similar scenario, it seems MHD is the best choice for you, please take a time to test it. 😉
Please advise.

thanks, santos

Silvio Clécio

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