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libtool, llvm-gcc, failing C++ exceptions

From: Bob Friesenhahn
Subject: libtool, llvm-gcc, failing C++ exceptions
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 10:11:56 -0600 (CST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.01 (GSO 1266 2009-07-14)

Using 'llvm-gcc' (GCC frontend to llvm compiler) I find that C++ exceptions do not work (are not caught) in the built programs.

When building C++ programs and libraries, libtool tells the compiler to not supply its own runtime or libraries, and then specifies what it believes are the correct runtime and libraries.

Over the years I have encountered a number of cases where C++ exceptions don't work, and llvm-gcc (as provided with FreeBSD) is an example. Another case is with 64-bit code on AMD64 Solaris 10 where C++ exceptions don't work in GCC-built code (but they do work with the Sun compiler). An identical problem was reported in 64-bit AMD64 code under FreeBSD 7.2. Unfortunately, this is a complex problem because sometimes the C++ exceptions stop working after a large body of code (e.g. GraphicsMagick + libtiff + ....) has been linked into it. It has something to do with process initialization.

While it has not been proven yet, I am suspecting that the failing C++ exceptions have something to do with the way that libtool links these modules.

Does anyone have ideas about this?

Bob Friesenhahn
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,

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