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Design suggestion -- was: Re: more stupid questions

From: Tobias Schlemmer
Subject: Design suggestion -- was: Re: more stupid questions
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 17:09:09 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Am Die, 10. Jun 2003 05:33:54 +0200, schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
> >>5) I get some warning: can't find ascii character: 248
> >>warning: can't find ascii character: 229
> >>warning: can't find ascii character: 248
> >>warning: can't find ascii character: 248
> >>warning: can't find ascii character: 248
> >>warning: can't find ascii character: 229
> >>warning: can't find ascii character: 248
> >>warning: can't find ascii character: 230
> >>warning: can't find ascii character: 230
> >>Is this caused by me using æ (ae), ø (slashed o), å (circle over a) and
> >>ü (two dots over u)? The output looks fine in xdvi, should I simply
> >>ignore the warnings?
> >
> >
> >This is a known and afaik unsolved problem.
> >The letters are correct, but the spacing gets messed up. :-(
> Did you try
> \property Lyrics.LyricText \override #'font-name = #"ecrm1000"
> (assuming that the question was about lyrics, you can do
> similar settings for text scripts, for example)

As I pointed out in another Mail this won't solve the problem.

But this is anoying me since I'm using LilyPond. My First version was
1.0.x or 1.2.x (I don't remember).

Many TeX extensions don't have this problem, because they set all boxes
with (La)TeX. This leads to more pass systems as MusiXTeX.
But it's at least possible to control tetex's (La)TeX using pipes. So I
thought about using Lilypond-book like:

latex <=> lilypond-book <=> lilypond
.dvi            .tex

Feed the .tex unchanged thoug lilypond-book to latex. It should contain
something like \usepackage{lilypond}. When latex reaches a
lilypond-environment, it should write out a nice message and then pass
everything inside the environment to stdout. lilypond-book takes this
output and feeds it to lilypond. Whenever lily finds a box which dosn't
contain native lilypond elements (e.g. Notes, bars, etc.) passes this
code back to lilypond-book, which feeds it to latex. latex should create
this box inside a register and compute the dimensions. After doing so it
passes the dimensions back to lilypond-book which feeds it back to
lilypond. Now lilypond has the exact size without having to know how to
deal with the TeX code. After processing lilpond gives the produced tex
code back to latex via lilypond-book.

Extensions could be: 
1. save tex output from Lily and use checksums to prevent lilypond-book
  from running lilpond again if the music has not changed (as
  lilypond-book already does).
2. Write the environment so that you don't have to und lilypond-book
  again if you don't have changed the music. A latex run should only
  include the generated tex files from the lilypond run. 
3. if there is a quick checksum algorithm possible inside latex, generate
  a warning message if the corresponding music has changed and you run
  only latex without lilypond-book

1. and 2. shouldn't be very problematic. In the worst case the user has
  to supply a file name for every use of a music environment.

The syntax should be the same as now for lilypond-book.

It's even possible to join lilpond-book and ly2dvi just by generating a
nice template.



  Tobias      ,---------------------------------------, 
 Schlemmer   /       Agricolastr. 16, Zi. 2704B       |
cand. math. /              09599 Freiberg 
    -.     /          Tel.: 01 62 / 7 63 94 35
      \   /             Fax.: 089 2443-16636
       \ / 
        '        address@hidden 
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So kann also die Mathematik definiert werden als diejenige 
Wissenschaft, in der wir niemals das kennen, worüber wir sprechen, 
und niemals wissen, ob das, was wir sagen, wahr ist. 

                                                     Bertrand Russell  

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