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bar number alignment

From: Karl Hammar
Subject: bar number alignment
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2004 22:27:05 +0200

In example below, bar numbering in bar:
. 3, 5 and 9 seem to align with the breathing mark instead of the bar line
. 7 seem to align to the ":" in the repeat bar instead of to the thick line
. 8 collides with the bracket in the choir staff

Which source files should I look at to correct this?

 Example file:

\paper {
    indent = 0.0\mm

Msa =  \relative c'' { b4 b a g | fis2 e    \breathe | b'4 cis d b | e2 dis 
\breathe | e8 fis g4 fis4. fis8 | e1 }
Msd =  \relative c'' { b4 b c b | a4. a8 g2 \breathe | b4  cis d b | e d8 cis 
cis2   | b \breathe b4 b | a g8 fis fis2 | e1 \fermata  }

ema =  { \time 4/4 \key e \minor \repeat volta 2 { \Msa } \Msd }
em  =  { \clef treble     \ema \bar "||" }

\score {
    \new ChoirStaff  <<
        \override Score.BarNumber  #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible

        \context Staff = Sd <<
            \context Voice  = Vd { \em }

(lilypond 2.3.21)


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