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Re: convert-ly dummy rules

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: convert-ly dummy rules
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 13:41:08 -0800

On 31-Oct-04, at 1:03 AM, Erik Sandberg wrote:

Citerar Graham Percival <address@hidden>:

Could I propose that we use the following convert-ly rule
for all version numbers[1]?

In which sense do you mean "all" version numbers? Does it include unstable ones
like 2.3.23, and minor stable versions like 2.2.4 too?

Yes.  Basically...

newbie: "i ran convert-ly but it didnt change anything i am using lilypond 2.4.3 on win98 help me please help"

If convert-ly always "upgraded" the files -- even if "upgrading" only meant changing the version numbers -- then we could avoid some user confusion.

However, Han says that it'll make development a bit harder. I don't quite understand why, but I'm willing to trust him. :)

- Graham

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