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Some questions concerning conversions

From: Ruud van Silfhout
Subject: Some questions concerning conversions
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 21:57:42 +0100


For Mutopia I am converting a lot a files to lily 2.4.2 and I ran into some
things that are not translated automatically by convert-ly. So now I have to
convert them by hand, but I would like to extend convert-ly if there are no

There they come:
In 2.4.2
    \property Staff.transposing = -12
is not accepted, nor translated what should it be and when has it been

In very old  lilypond music sources (1.2) I see names like "midi_stuff".
When they are translated the places where they are defined are changed, but
the places where they are referenced are not replaced (by the 1.3.117
conversion), so:
    midi_stuff = { \tempo = 60}
is translated into
    midiStuff = { \tempo = 60}
What is the reason the reference is not translated?

In the header maintainer_email is not translated into maintainerEmail.
The same goes for maintainer_web.
When has this been changed?  Or are these definitions 'Mutopia private'
definitions and thus not translated? Or are they introduced after 1.3.117
and thus not translated?

Very old versions of lily-files contain a ";" (semicolon) after each line in
the header block. They are not removed. As of when are they removed and is
there a reason why they are not?
The tagline of the mutopia header contains some LaTeX code regarding
textplacement. Twice in such a line the string [c] is translated into c[].

The very old versions of music contain
        gourlay_maxmeasures =8.;
in the \paper block.
I don't know what they should be translated into, and when they have
changed. In 2.2 lily chokes on it. As of which lilypond can they be removed?

Also old versions contain:
        \translator { \BarNumberingStaffContext }
they are nicely translated but the question is here whether it can't be
removed. At least in 2.2. BarNumbers are added automatically and thus this
definition is now superfluous; or do I miss something.

For completeness I'll mention the problem of the override-auto-beam-setting
in the \paper block, on which I sent a mail earlier. As I understood from
Jan's reaction it cannot be supported in the paper (layout) block and must
be moved to the individual voices; So, this is definitely something that
must be done by hand.

Ideas/suggestions/information? I welcome everything!

Ruud van Silfhout

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