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Re: SCM-ification of parser

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: SCM-ification of parser
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 20:43:21 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060501)

Erik Sandberg wrote:
The next step in parser split-up is to move rules out to Scheme. There
will be a lot of functions, so I suggest we create a new make-music.scm
for this.
Regarding naming, we already have a make-foo-music for plain SCM use.

I suppose however that it would be useful for scheme users to get access to all the syntax functions (make-syntax-simultaneous will be very similar to make-simultaneous-music, for instance). It could at least be good to let make-*-music be wrappers around syntax expressions, or vice versa.

Yes, that might be a good implementation idea.

I propose to have

  foo:  bar baz


   (make-syntax-foo .. )

OK. Then I'll change any rule names which I find too complicated.

Yes, the naming in the parser is a complete mess. You're welcome to change that too. (eg. "Music" vs. "music")

BTW, I'd prefer to make syntax expressions that don't completely mirror the parse tree. E.g., I'd prefer not to add an extra identity function (make-syntax-embedded-scm ) around the SCM_T in

Yes, of course.

I know little about guile modules, I guess I should read more about them (there is currently a risk that I would break the safety of --safe if I'd start playing with modules).

Don't worry too much about it. --safe only comes  into play if you use #

However, it feels like a sensible thing to create a module or two which are reserved for the syntax expressions; maybe one 'read-only' one for builtin stuff (ie. the contents of syntax-rules.scm), and one for user-defined music functions.

there's currently a couple of modules of lily specific stuff, and all user-defined stuff (including what comes from the init files in ly/ ) goes into another module. I think it would be good to create a

  scm/ly-syntax-constructors.scm (or similar)

which is a module used by the parser.

One idea to connect both is to use some C++ macro and SCM initialization trickery, to register each MAKE_SYNTAX_EXPRESSION with the Lily_parser class, and provide a

  (ly:parser-set-syntax 'music-sequence my-music-sequencer)

hook into that.

(I have a feeling that lily currently does something similar with the safe mode, but I don't have a clue really)

I doubt you will need to look into this.

We will need a mechanism for handling music origins in a good way. I
suggest that an optional parameter for origin is added to all
make-*-music functions (or perhaps even automate this with a
define-make-music-function macro)
There is already generic location support from the bison side, using $@
I think. I think it's best to use that.

Yes, but we still need to pass the $@ on to the make-syntax* functions, right?



Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

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