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Re: Updated parser patch

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: Updated parser patch
Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 12:59:47 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060501)

Erik Sandberg schreef:

The attached patch is an updated version of the previous parser patch.

- new syntax rule for property settings
- The music function handler now signals errors through the parser. I have added a new function ly:parser-error, which music functions can use to signal errors.

I think it can be good to add parameters parser and location to all syntax rules, just like for music functions, but I haven't implemented that change yet.

+LY_DEFINE (ly_parser_error, "ly:parser-error",
+          2, 1, 0, (SCM parser, SCM msg, SCM input),
+          "Display an error message, and make the parser fail")
+  Lily_parser *p = unsmob_lily_parser (parser);
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (p, parser, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "Lilypond parser");
+  SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_string (msg), msg, SCM_ARG2, __FUNCTION__, "string");
+  string s = ly_scm2string (msg);
+ + Input *i = unsmob_input (input);
+  if (i)
+    p->parser_error (*i, s);
+  else
+    p->parser_error (s);
+ return parser;

Can you make it accept arbitrary arguments in the spirit of (format ..)? you will have to change argument order, of course.


Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

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