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Re: Reorganizing the contents of the \paper block

From: Trevor Bača
Subject: Re: Reorganizing the contents of the \paper block
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 22:32:53 -0600

On 2/8/07, Han-Wen Nienhuys <address@hidden> wrote:
Trevor Bača escreveu:

> The first command sets the size of all pages. The second command sets
> the size of the pages that the \paper block applies to – if the \paper
> block is at the top of the file, then it will apply to all pages. If
> the \paper block is inside a \book, then the paper size will only
> apply to that book."

I rather think that the problem is that the input file of Lily is not
a data definition.  You've tried to make it look like one by proposing
\new File, but it really isn't:

- we have identifiers; those imply state. for example

  foo= { c4 d8 }
  << \foo \foo >>

is valid, but

  << \foo \foo >>
  foo= { c4 d8 }

is not.  So, we have statefulness.

- we have an entire scheme interpreter under the hood,

  #(set-default-paper-size "a4")

executes a command which has side-effects.

I think it would be best if we were more straightforward,
and tell users that an input file is a sequence of commands
which are run in an interpreter.  We're doing that anyway:
each .ly file actually is a Scheme module, and the whole file
is a sequence of top-level expressions, which are  evaluated one
by one.

Some are directly run as Scheme expressions, such as

  #(set-default-paper-size "a4")

Some parts of the input resemble 'pure' expressions
(ie. data), for example \markup and music expressions,
but also \book and \score.

Then, expressions at toplevel have side effects,

* foo = bar

defines identifier \foo

* \header { .. }

is an expression, eg. you can do

 bla = \header { .. }

however, if you have a \header{} at toplevel,
it sets the default header.

*  #(set-default-paper-size .. )

sets the default paper size

* \book { .. }

will produce an PS/PDF file  as side effect

I think this is a well established concept. IN python, you can type
pure data as a toplevel expressions, eg.


is valid python. But you can also define variables, either by

  def bar(x):  pass


  bar = lambda x: 1

and execute statements with side effects,   eg.

  print "hello world"

In fact, some interpreters have a REPL (read-eval-print-loop), which are
written in the language itself.  This is conceptually similar to
toplevel-handlers that we have in LilyPond.

The behavior of toplevel expressions is actually configurable
at run-time.  This is a very useful, because it allows us to
make \book and \score behave differently in normal operation and
in lilypond-book.

See ly/ and ly/ for the
relevant code.

> The language is actually then considerably clearer: no more \paper (at
> two scoping levels) and \layout (at three scoping levels). Just
> \score-settings, \book-settings and \global-settings naming unique
> slots for input entry. Furthermore, examples in the docs or on the
> list like \paper { whatever } will no longer be ambiguous as to level
> of scope. We will have either \book-settings { whatever } or
> \global-settings { whatever } instead.

this looks superfluous to me, in that we could just use \settings{}
everywhere.  Introducing 3 keywords would make the documentation more
consistent and/or clearer.  My experience is that it doesn't work, because
people won't use it. We have had \simultaneous { .. } as a
more correct form of   << .. >> , but I've never seen it being used.

Hi Han-Wen,

Thanks for the detailed explanations and also for the pointers on how
to think about what's really going on in input.

The point about about the assignment of identifiers implying state in
an input file is the clencher in this argument (as you and Graham were
both pointing to) -- our input files do *not* define (static) data but
instead give a sequence of *commands*, interpreted one by one.

OK, so I'll return tomorrow one more time to the question of how to
possibly clean up (or maybe just better document) the settings that
fit in \paper and \layout, probably by considering one last time the
suggestion of collapsing both into a generic \settings block (which
can then live at any of the three levels of scope).

I've really gotten a lot from thinking through alternatives -- even
the impractical ones -- and I definitely appreciate the dialogue and
the examples.

Trevor Bača

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